
Hi guys! Once we had made our Hearts 4 Hearts doll, Leena, her very own bed, we wanted to set up her room. She has acquired quite a bit of furniture in the past week or two, so we decided to set it all up, and take some photos!


She is just too cute! We are still trying to decide if we should build a room box for her. The only trouble is finding the space! Our doll space is already full to overflowing, so another doll room might be out of the question. Of course what I want, and what’s realistic are usually at odds with each other. LOL!

Go ahead, and take a look at the pictures that we took anyway. 🙂


Besides the bed, the rest of Leena’s furniture was thrifted. Although, most of it was pieces that had been cast aside, having been deemed too small for the 18 inch dolls.


Leena’s dresser holds all of her clothes nicely.


We actually ended up finding a lot of clothing for Leena! Our BFC doll has a similar body type, so most of her clothes fit the Hearts 4 Hearts dolls too. The shirt sleeves are a bit too long, so we just rolled them up. The pants and shoes won’t fit at all, but the skirts, dresses, swimsuits, and short sleeved tops fit well. 🙂


We found this little wooden trike at a thrift store too. ❤


It fits Leena perfectly! 🙂 Cute!!


We also found this little basket. The magazines are crafted using this tutorial.


The Little Miss filled Leena’s basket with toys. 🙂


This little vanity table was a dollar store find. I like that some of the smaller furniture pieces will fit this doll.


More storage!


We still haven’t found Leena any pj’s, but we did find her a nice bathrobe, so that will have to do for now. 🙂


Leena is ready for bed!

I really do want to build her a room box. I think it would be really sweet for her to have a place all her own. This is where all of my madness usually starts. LOL!


She is so cozy in her new bed and her new room. 🙂


Also, since we don’t have the Melody Ellison doll, the Little Miss gave Leena the DIY Melody’s Transistor radio that we made, along with the stuffed elephant to match her elephant bedding. 🙂



Goodbye Leena! See you again soon! ❤

I hope you enjoyed touring Leena’s room today!

The Hearts 4 Hearts dolls are now available for purchase at PixieFaire.

Have a crafty day!

Leave a comment below!

❤ ❤ ❤

15 thoughts on “MAKING ROOM FOR LEENA

    1. We love thrifting too! We’ve found some really fun unique items for our dolls for very little money that way. We are definitely looking into some patterns for the H4H dolls! 🙂


    1. You can find the Hearts 4 Hearts dolls on the PixieFaire website. The price isn’t too bad I don’t think. I don’t know about shipping though. Unless you already looked there. Maybe the currency exchange plus shipping is too expensive.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Definitely take a look! They are so adorably cute. They have patterns for clothing too for anyone who enjoys sewing. Also, I’ve learned that unlike the Wellie Wishers, the Hearts 4 Hearts dolls can tilt their heads upward. I like that because they can look up at their 18 inch doll friends. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Really?? Aww, that is insane! 😦 Maybe eBay? Shipping is so crazy lately. And on eBay they often charge import charges now too! 😦 Boo. I was really hoping that you would find a good deal.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Fabulous room!

    I vote for giving her room a box. She’s so special, she should have a spot. Trust me I understand the not having space for it – it’s why I haven’t delved into collecting furniture yet. 😉


    1. Space is so scarce. Oh wait, there is plenty of space, we just have too much stuff!!! LOL! We do want to hold out until we know who the GOTY 2017 is going to be though. We might have to make room for a new 18 inch doll too!! 🙂 The huge dollhouse is under a bit of an overhaul right now. There are some changes a comin’ for sure. There are also some other doll items that will be arriving from Santa that we need to make space for as well. 😉


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