Hey guys! Okay I know that we have been gone for quite some time but if you read the previous post, it explains about the absolute disaster that 2020 has been for us. I want to thank everyone who prayed for us from the very bottom of my heart as you guys are so seriously awesome, and God really does answer prayer. ❤

First, there was my own injury which is still not fully healed. I still can’t sit down so I can’t drive, and my ankle swells up if I stand up for too long, but there’s no pain, so you know what? I will take it, and be grateful. Thank you, Jesus.

Second, an immediate member of my family was diagnosed with a rare and seriously deadly cancer, but I am so grateful to say that the treatment has gone very well. They were able to remove it all, and the prognosis is very positive, so life on that issue is going back to normal now. God is so so good, isn’t he? ❤

Third, my father had a mishap where he slipped on the ice and fell, breaking his spine in several places. He spent many weeks in ICU in a hospital three hours away from us being closely monitored because they thought that he would die. He could not breathe on his own, and the injured spine was too damaged as my dad already has spinal arthritis that corrodes his spine. The bones would not hold the pins in place to help the spine heal. Well, after many scares, and serious preparations to say goodbye to my dad (by Facetime as I can not travel, and no one could visit him due to quarantine), he did a complete 180. He is now back home here in the hospital in town, and I have even been able to go see him in the hospital courtyard as no one is allowed inside the hospital building due to quarantine. He is breathing fine on his own, eating solid foods and sitting in a wheelchair. They have removed the halo apparatus that he had to wear, and his spine seems to be healing on its own. He will never walk again, and has paralysis in his left arm, but his biggest complaint right now is that the cable TV in the hospital doesn’t have his channels. They said he would die. They said he would never breathe on his own, or be able to sit up never mind in a wheelchair. They were wrong, and I am so glad. I am also so grateful to those doctors, and to the hospital staff who took such good care of my dad. Praise to God for sending all the miracles.

I won’t go into the hassle of COVID as I am sure that everyone already knows all about that. Things are starting to open up in my town, not completely, but some places. I will say that even though we homeschool, it is not the same as isolation school which is what this pandemic as well as me being so stuck at home with my injury has thrown us into, so we have been struggling with that. I have already made my plans for our homeschool year next year, so hopefully we will be more prepared if everything gets shut down again. 

I also won’t go into the details of my sister getting laid off due to COVID, and their flooded basement, or my brother in law also losing his job, or my own hubby getting drastically demoted, or my mom’s business getting cancelled due to COVID, and basically all of the other nonsense that this year has brought to us, because guess what? God is still good. We are staying home. We are loving each other more. We are connecting more. We have more time for each other. We will be just fine. 

2020 might not be through with us yet, but I decided that since I am a lot more capable of getting around my house now, then I need to get back to what I love to do. One of those things is my writing. I finished writing my new book! It is the first book of my new series, and I am so so proud of it! I got the idea for this series while I was writing my EverLast Trilogy but I am the type of person who can’t start something until I am completely done the first thing.

I am currently in the editing stage on this one, but one day, I will tell the story of how I wrote this book lying face down in agonizing pain, and wishing for death. Looking back on that time, I still believe that God is so good. Even in times of trouble, things are brewing. Life is pedaling on. 

The other thing that I have been working on a lot lately is my fan merch art. I have had A LOT of time doing nothing and going nowhere lately, so I have been busy busy busy creating. I will get a post up about that very soon.

Our doll world: We are still super doll obsessed. The Little Miss not as much as me, but more than anything, I think that the dolls are what have been helping me through. I am missing my doll sewing terribly. One con of not being able to sit down is that I can not sit at the sewing machine. I have to admit that it has forced me to try other things, like learning how to paint for instance, but not sewing is practically killing me.

I am somewhat active on my new Instagram @fim_studios where I am learning doll photography. I’m still not great at it, but I did purchase some doll duds for my birthday, and I have been having fun dressing the dolls up to take their photo.

Something that we have been working on, the Little Miss and I, is aging up the dolls. That means that they need more teenage appropriate attire as well as more teen inspired bedrooms in the mega dollhouse. Yes, we are still continuing with our dollhouse reno in the style of PBTeen. Lots of work to do on that one, but I am still so excited with the progress.

We also have some big doll projects that we had been working on before all of the madness hit, so I would like to get some posts up about all that. Just rest assured, the dolls are still a very big part of our world. 🙂

Okay, one final mention. We got a new puppy!

Look how tiny he was when he was born! When we got him at 12 weeks, he was 2.5lbs. He is now a whopping 5lbs! He probably won’t grow much bigger than this. He is a chocolate yorkie terrier.

He just got a haircut for summer in those last two photos. It’s been really hot outside here. Anyway, a puppy is a huge deal for me who has never had a dog before! I had a bunny once, a gerbil, a guinea pig, a hamster, some fish, but never an actual puppy dog! I am not really a dog person, but he is a real snuggle pup. He’s growing on me, and he’s sort of attached himself to me as he never leaves my side. His name is Teo (tay-oh) and isn’t he just as cute as a button?! He’s a really good boy too, and he will be your very best friend, even if you are an intruder. LOL!

Alright, so like the title of the post says, we are back! This doesn’t necessarily mean that we will be posting every day or anything, but we will definitely not be the radio silent that we have been for the past several months. I hope to at least get a few posts up before the end of summer when homeschool hits in full force again.

Please tell us what you guys have been up to! Are you excited for school this fall? What does that look like for you? We’ve missed everyone like crazy! We are soooooooooo glad to be back!!

Keep smiling, everybody! God is so great, and life is so good, even in the darkness.

❤ ❤ ❤

16 thoughts on “WE ARE BACK!

  1. So glad to see you again! I’ll keep you and your family in my prayers.

    Any thoughts on converting a workbench to a standing sewing table? Foot pedal might be tricky.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I haven’t really thought about a standing sewing machine table. Maybe if this thing continues to refuse to let up. I do miss my sewing something terrible. ❤


  2. !!!! I am so excited to see you back, and incredibly happy to hear how things are starting to mend 😃 will deff keep praying for y’all! ❤
    Congratulations on finishing your book, and looking forward to seeing your fandom art, its always so good! 😄
    Most crazily, ~Olive

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Glad to hear things are going better and congrats on your new family member! Our little gal just turned one today, she’s a handful still. Continued thoughts and prayers for your recovery, and to get us all through these difficult times. We all just have to look out for each other.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Things are definitely looking up. I still don’t know if this is going to heal completely so that’s frustrating but I can now do all the things I was before, just a lot slower. I still can’t sit down either. Still, life is good. I have my health otherwise and I have my doll friends. ❤ ❤ ❤


  4. Welcome back!!! I’m so glad you are recovering a little! I am still very sick as well but I’m in therapy so I hope to recover eventually. I hope you continue to recover and that you feel absolutely amazing soon. Praying for you. 💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers! ❤ I continue to pray for you too! I am so sorry that you are so ill. I really hope that you recover soon, and that we can all get back to normal. I am so ready for the upside to this story. I know that God has a plan. We just have to hang in there, and think positive. I know that's hard. I only say that now that the worst of it is over for me. A few months back, I wasn't as optimistic, but I was trying. I keep telling myself that this is a test, that God is testing me. It sure feels that way sometimes. But I am still here. I have my health in more ways than just this one, so I am grateful. I do hope that you feel much better soon! HUGS!!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Welcome back! I’m amazed to hear about your dear Dad. I was just mentioning him and you to my hubby recently. I was wondering what had happened and now I know! I am having problems with that muscle too. I can sympathize a bit with you, but that’s awful you cannot sit! It’s amazing the things which can go wrong. But the Lord will carry us through and that is the thing I always manage to learn. I also have other issues going on but they match 2020, so what can one say….but keep looking up! My mom has a heart problem but due to Covid restrictions she finally got a heart scan in July and we won’t know the result until Sept! I’m so glad you posted and will keep praying for you all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thank you so much for continuing to pray. I am sorry that you are also having a similar problem to mine. It’s just a wretched thing, isn’t it? But you are right, God is here, and he knows what he is doing. This too shall pass as they say. I’m also sorry about your mom’s heart, but that is great that she was able to get a scan. Hopefully they can see what the problem is, and get it taken care of. Isn’t it so worrisome when parents start to age? They were always the ones with all the answers, and now it’s all on us to take care, and worry about them. I feel a little like the roles have now reversed in that way. I will pray for your mom, that her results from the test are good, and I hope that your other issues clear away soon too. What a year. We are due for some good, I think. ❤


    1. Aw thank you so much! That’s a great way to describe it, Drama Queen to the max! I try to stay positive, harder at some times than others. I am hoping that this is the light at the end of a very dark tunnel. God works in mysterious ways, but there is a plan. I just know it. 🙂 ❤


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