Amazing news, you guys! American Girl is finally giving up on its campaign for permapanties, and they will be reverting back to the old style of doll bodies with the separate underwear!! Also, they have decided to do away with the new packaging, and are reverting back to the boutique style doll box that we all love! They will also no longer be stitching the doll clothing to the packages!

I am so over the moon about this! We thought that we were going to have to give up on AG for good, but this changes everything! This goes to show that if we all band together, we can make a difference! Hooray for us! Hooray to American Girl for doing the right thing!

Here is the original announcement:

**An Important Update for Our Customers**

“We love and appreciate our dedicated American Girl fan community, and we take our role in listening and responding to your feedback very seriously. In recent months, many of you have shared your thoughts on how we can continue delivering the great products you’ve come to expect from us. We’ve heard you, and we will be implementing two changes as a result.

“First, we will be reverting to the separate underwear design for all of our 18-inch dolls. Starting today, any dolls that are currently in production or any new dolls being developed will now come with removable underwear. Because there are dolls with permanent underwear already in the market, this will be a rolling change—meaning dolls that currently have the permanent underwear design will remain as is until the inventory is sold through.

“However, if you currently own an American Girl doll with the permanent underwear and are disappointed with the design, we will do a one-time, free body exchange on the doll to create one with separate underwear and return the doll to you at no cost. For details on this offer, please click HERE

“Second, we have made the decision to return to our iconic boutique box for our 18-inch dolls. Only the new 2017 contemporary characters, as well as some of our Truly Me dolls, will come in the current packaging until inventory is sold through. In addition, none of our 18-inch doll outfits will be sewn directly into packaging, with the exception of any existing inventory for our 2017 contemporary characters.

“Thank you for caring enough to share your candid and heartfelt opinions with us, and we are sorry if we disappointed you in any way. Your feedback helps us deliver on our promise to create high-quality products, services, and experiences that nourish a girl’s spirit and help develop her strength of character.

Your Friends at American Girl”

Fantastic!! I want to thank all of you who have been diligently writing to American Girl, and voicing your concerns. This was definitely all because of you. I am just so glad that they finally smartened up, and decided to listen! ❤  

(Now here’s to hoping that they don’t decide to raise their prices instead.) 

Leave a comment below!! 

❤ ❤ ❤


18 thoughts on “AMAZING NEWS!!!

  1. As I’m reading all the comments on the various blogs I follow–was there ANYONE who was for this??? I’d love to know who the genius was that thought these changes were a good idea. I’m so happy that they have decided to go back to the original way of doing things. As the saying goes, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Absolutely! Maybe they fired the one who came up with the idea. It just seemed so ridiculous to me. I was beginning to think that they were just doing it for media attention, and then after when they came around they could look like the heroes for listening to their customers. I understand that it’s a business. They have to make money too, and in the economy that we are in, that’s difficult, but if they want to cut costs, they shouldn’t do it by changing their award winning product.

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  2. Why on earth would they sew the outfits into packaging? 🤔 I had a Felicity doll when I was little, and adored her. My mother in law makes ADORABLE outfits for American girl dolls. If I ever have a daughter I’m in trouble. 🤣

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The original doll clothing came packaged in a fold up box with a lid. It was wrapped nicely in gift tissue paper, however, it was difficult to see what was in the box until you opened it. That was fine for most of us who are familiar with American Girl products, but once AG moved into larger box store retailers, they needed to change the packaging so that customers could see what they were buying off of the shelves, but also so that people couldn’t just open the boxes up, and take stuff. So they created new packaging with clear windows on the front, much like Barbie clothes packaging where the clothing is stitched to a piece of cardboard to help it stay put. People were getting angry because removal from the packaging was causing the doll clothing to get snags and holes in it. Especially if their children were trying to remove them. When you are paying a pretty hefty price tag, holes in the clothing is unacceptable.

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