
So as you can see, we have a new layout! We figured, it’s a new year, why not a new look? 

Now, I don’t usually make New Year’s Resolutions, but I decided that this year would be different. I have a lot of things that I really want to accomplish in 2017. Maybe that’s why I decided on a new look for the blog. Out with the old, and in with the new. Change is good. Hopefully you all agree. 

Onto The Resolutions! 

1. 500 followers!!

We are so jaw dropped wide open impressed that we have reached 500 followers this year! We love each and every one of you. ❤ So, stay tuned very soon for an awesome giveaway that lets you all know just how much we appreciate you!

2. Dollhouse condo overhaul.

Ever since we built the Mega Dollhouse, the smaller dollhouse has been in desperate need of an overhaul. With Christmas came a few goodies that will help us do just that, so stay tuned!

3. Mini dollhouse extension.

Our mini dolls have been neglected lately. 😦 However, our Mini Dollhouse is flourishing. Hopefully there will be some time in 2017 to make some magic happen in the mini doll world.

4. Sew Dolly!

We’ve been enjoying this segment, and it helps to sharpen our sewing skills all year long, so we will definitely be continuing with these monthly posts.

5. Reviews.

Like I mentioned before, with Christmas came some really fun doll items that we can’t wait to review for you all here, so stay tuned for that as well.

6. Large Doll Projects.

I know, I keep telling myself that I have no space, and that’s true. Large doll items tend to take up a lot of space. However, I still have a few things that I really want to build this year. You will have to wait and see of course 😉 but just know that I do have some things in mind. Suspense much? LOL! 🙂

(tell that to my husband who just keeps rolling his eyes at me.)

These next two New Year’s Resolutions aren’t exactly doll related I’m afraid, however, they do stand to take up a LOT of my time this year, so I thought that I should include them here.

As many of you know, I am an Author by day, (and a superhero by night. LOL! Okay, maybe not. *I wish.* 😛 ). Anyway, I have been working on the third novel in my Young Adult Trilogy series all year, and it is nearly complete. So…

6. Infinity: The Everlasting Trilogy Book Three. 

This Young Adult fiction series is set to conclude with the release of the third book in the trilogy sometime early this year.

Word count progress report = 131,677 words.

That’s a lot of words. My resolution therefore essentially revolves around endings. Endings are hard. Trilogy endings are REALLY hard, but I will persevere. I will also try not to kill off all of my characters in the process. 😛

(See my Author Page for more information.) 

7. New Writing Projects.

There are two more books that I would like to begin work on in the new year. After being completely immersed in my trilogy series for nearly five years now, it is going to be so refreshing to start something new. New year, new characters, new adventures. Hurrah! 🙂  

That’s all for now. I just wanted to share with you all what to expect in the new year! I am hopeful, determined, somewhat nervous, but most of all, I am excited to begin! 🙂  

❤ ❤ ❤

18 thoughts on “NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS!

    1. 🙂 It’s fun! Action, adventure mixed in with some dystopian themes. The whole trilogy came to me in a dream one day, so I woke up and put aside the other book I was working on, and started writing EverLast instead. 🙂


      1. Well, they are not romance novels to be sure! 🙂 My main character in the book is seventeen. I have rated the books for around the age of 15+ or so. The main story revolves more around the adventure, it’s not really a love story. I hope that answers your question! 🙂 Also, I am a Christian, so I tend to avoid the gory, and the inappropriate. 🙂


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