
Hi guys! Sorry for the delay! We have just been trying to get through these last couple of weeks of school before summer. It seems like it’s just been dragging on and on! Isn’t that how it always is when you are looking forward to something? 🙂

Anyhow, today we are going to be featuring a fun DIY for all of you Lea fans out there!

Lea’s beach picnic set is something that we have wanted to recreate for a while now. However, we didn’t just want to recreate it. Instead, we wanted to make it better. 🙂

I especially wanted to try to make it a set for two dolls instead of just one, because let’s face it, who goes on a picnic alone?


Lea thinks going on a picnic all by herself is no fun at all! Luckily she packed enough food for two!


And look who’s here! It’s the new girl, Saige Copeland!


Hey Lea! Saige says. Whatcha doing?


I’m having a picnic, Lea explains. Saige looks around expectantly. Then she scratches her head confused.

All by yourself? she asks.


Well no, not really, Lea replies. I was sorta just waiting to see who I might happen to run into.

Saige brightens.

It’s a good thing I ran into you then! she exclaims. I’m great at picnics!


Do you even like Brazilian food? Lea asks. Saige nods enthusiastically.

Sure! I mean, probably. What are we having?


We’re having empanadas and brigadieros, Lea says.


Say what now? Saige blinks at Lea in confusion. Could you repeat that in English please?

Lea just laughs.

Empanadas and brigadeiros, she says again. Come on, you’ll see.


The girls sit down to a picnic lunch.


Hey, this doesn’t look half bad. Saige surveys the spread approvingly.


To good friends, Lea toasts holding up her coconut milk.


I’ll cheers to that, Saige replies heartily.


So what’s this then? Saige asks her friend.


That’s an empanada, Lea explains. It’s a pastry stuffed with chicken.


Oh, okay. Saige says. And what’s a briga-whatchamacalit?


Lea laughs as she holds up a sweet treat.

A brigadiero, she says. It’s a gourmet dessert. It comes in over fifty different flavours, but I like these almond ones the best.


Okay, then I’ll cheers to that too! Saige raises her coconut drink. Lea giggles and the girls do another toast.

To brigadeiros! says Saige.


And empanadas! Lea chimes in with a grin.


Thanks for inviting me to your picnic, Saige says.

I didn’t invite you, Lea corrects her. I just ran into you, remember?

Saige smiles and nods.

Well, I’ll be sure to run into you more often! she says.


To make an empanada you will need:

A small can of soup

Yellow craft foam

Cotton balls

Brown felt marker

Hot glue


Trace the bottom of the soup can onto the yellow craft foam, and cut it out.



Fold your circle in half and stuff it with a cotton ball. Hot glue it closed.


Use the brown felt marker to line the edge of the empanada with tiny brown lines. This makes it look more like a pastry edge.


Our brigadieros came from some appetizer forks that we found.


I just carefully removed the fork part.


They aren’t an exact match, but they are super cute! ❤


The pineapples are dollar store table cloth weights, the plates are ashtrays and the little straw tote is MyLifeAs. To make these cute coconut drinks click here.

I hope you enjoyed our DIY of Lea’s beach picnic set!

Here are some bonus pics of our new to us Saige Copeland! We are definitely over the moon for her!


We won this pretty little girl on eBay for a rock bottom price. 🙂 No one else bid on her!


She has a tiny mark on her cheek that I am going to try to remove. It might be the reason that she was so affordable, but other than that, she is flawless. 🙂


Beautiful!! ❤


Her hair is a tiny bit dry on the ends, but it is still gorgeous. I think that no one else bid on her mainly because they thought her hair was cut. It was up in a strange way for her auction photos so that it looked like someone had hacked it off.

I just knew that it wasn’t cut though, and sure enough once she arrived in the mail, I took all of her strange hairdo out, and it was good as new, so long and beautiful. Don’t you just love when that happens? ❤ 🙂

Okay, I better go, but have an awesome weekend!

Leave a comment below!

❤ ❤ ❤

17 thoughts on “DIY LEA’S BEACH PICNIC SET

  1. Congratulations on purchasing Saige. The mark does not take anything away from her beauty. Lea and Saige have a great picnic.


    1. Thank you! We totally love her anyway! I think she has become a favourite with my daughter. She has pretty much completely attached herself to Saige, and I am not allowed to ‘play’ with her Saige doll right now. lol! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ah, another person bothered by AG’s “dolls dine alone” philosophy! I love the empanadas, very cute. I’m still trying to figure out the purpose of those decorations on the appetizer forks, that just looks strange. Works much better for what you used them for.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just don’t understand it! Are a lot of the sets like this? I thought maybe they were trying to cut corners or something, like how the quality of some of the AG sets have gone down a lot over the years. Honestly though, how can a girl play dolls (plural) with just one plate of food??


  3. Super cute diy! I ❤ it that you take dolls that haven't been treated the best off of eBay, and fix them all up!


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